Following are the steps how you need to work(actually you don’t work!!!!!):
1. Go to and alertpay and register there.
click on the banner to register
You will need this Paypal and Alertpay Personal account at time of registration with other websites. While registering it will ask for your Credit Card Information Click on cancel still your account is created at that time as it is not compulsory but surely u can add it later when u get paid by different websites and have a good amount in your paypal account.
2. While registration, many websites will ask your Paypal Identity. You need to mention your Paypal email address or the email address you used while registration with Paypal .its better you have the same login name and password for all your sites,so as it wll be easy for you to login.
3.there will be an option called autofill in your google toolbar,just click it and all your registration forms will get filled automatically.
Once you are done with registrations with all these websites, open all of them and login into them.
4. Every PTC website will have a button to open the advertisements page, it could be named like "Browse Ads", "Surf Ads", "Start Earning", "Earn Money", "View Ads" etc. Just locate this button and click on it to go to the advertisements page.
5. When you are on advertisements page, you will see several links. Each link will fetch you money, instantly. Click on one link at a time and let it open. Clicking on the link will open the page in new window. A countdown will start on the top of the page, wait for it to get over. Once the countdown is over, a "$" or tick will appear, which means that your account is credited.
6. Do not open any other advertisement from the same website until the countdown of the previous advertisement is over. That can cancel your credit for that click.
7. Smart Tip: You cannot open two advertisements from the same website at a time, but you can always open advertisements from different websites at a time. You can open several or all the website all along, and login into them and go to advertisements page. Now click on one advertisement from each website. By the time you click advertisement from the last website, the countdown of the advertisement from first website will be over and you will be able to earn money faster than ever.
8. Every PTC website has a page where it shows how much advertisements have you clicked and how much balance is there in your account. You can only transfer this money balance once it reaches the minimum limit assigned by the owner of that website. The button to go to this page is normally named as "Members", "Your Stats", "My Stats" etc. This page will show you how much money you have earned. Once you reach the minimum limit, you can transfer that money to your Paypal account.
9. Once the money reach your Paypal account, you can transfer it conveniently to your Bank, or call for a cheque or credit the amount to your credit card.